Michael Craun


Michael Craun has been a tech enthusiast since 2005 when he got his first taste of what tech can do in his sophomore year programming class. However, his career in the world of tech didn’t start taking off until he obtained his first programming job in late 2019. Here’s what Michael has to say about himself:

I have been passionate about technology for what seems like a lifetime. I think the only thing I’m more passionate about is my family. My kids and wife mean everything to me and I’d give it all up in a heartbeat if it was my career or them!

In the world of tech, I have one goal: to make things that simplify life. I make products that I want and that I think other people will want or need and if I don’t think I would find myself using my product in place of something else, I won’t make it.

In all things, though, I am a nerd. I love playing tabletop roleplaying games with my family and friends, watching Doctor Who with my wife and oldest child, and winding down with some video games or old television shows.


Michael Craun’s Skillset

Michael has developed his skillset over his life to include the following languages, software, and personal skills:

 Michael Craun’s Projects

Here’s a few of the projects that Michael Craun has worked on.